With little to do over the past few months except gaze longingly at travel brochures and fantasise about fabulous adventures across the world, it’s no surprise so many would-be 2020 travellers are finding themselves with a renewed sense of wanderlust.
And as nomads everywhere begin to make tentative plans for their post-pandemic adventures, it goes without saying that the next trip should be one to remember.
With that in mind, here are just three incredible experiences that should be on every traveller’s bucket list – be inspired by these fabulous travel ideas!
1. Solo Adventure
Most people prefer to travel with someone else, whether it’s a partner, friend or family member
But flying solo – literally! – can be a very liberating experience.
Travelling alone gives you the ultimate freedom to go wherever you like and spend your time however you please. Without having to plan around another person, you can experience your dream holiday without any strings attached.
Remember though that safety is of the utmost importance when travelling anywhere, but especially when travelling alone! Keep a spare battery pack on you at all times, and exercise caution in all ventures.
2. Volunteer
Volunteering abroad is a unique and life-changing opportunity that allows you not only to experience the world, but to make a positive impact on it.
It also teaches you a number of valuable personal and professional skills, and can be a real feather in your cap when applying for jobs or university courses, making it a popular activity for gap-year explorers.
Imire Rhino & Wildlife Conservancy in Zimbabwe, for instance, runs a unique volunteer program that works shoulder to shoulder with conservation experts to protect endangered species and their habitats. From hands-on care with rhinos and elephants to research and awareness programs, theirs is an incredible opportunity to make a real impact on the world.
When choosing your volunteer opportunity, research programs thoroughly to find a cause that is close to your heart – remember that passion is the most important thing you can bring to the table!
3. Road trip
For a Bohemian adventure that doesn’t tie you down, road-trips are the perfect chance to get away from your every day life and go with the flow.
All you’ll need is a car and a licence – the former can be your own or hired. Road trips give you complete freedom to explore, whether you’re seeking an escape to the coast or exploring a whole continent – there are no rules!
All you’ll need is a good soundtrack, some tasty snacks, and if you feel like sharing the adventure, a friend or two to hop in the back seat and join you for the ride! Road trips can be a valuable bonding activity to get to know each other even better than before – or drive each other crazy.
Have you ever volunteered in another country, taken a road trip or ventured out on a soul-searching journey on your own? Let us know all about it in the comments section.