While the question of whether the scenery matters doesn’t come up in conversation very often, many people looking to skydive don’t really take the scenery into consideration when choosing their skydiving location. Which begs the question, if you are planning on skydiving, why choose somewhere where you aren’t going to enjoy looking at what’s below you? With a great view that isn’t available to everyone, why choose to have something bland and boring below?
There are plenty of skydiving drop zones around Perth, and around the country to choose from. Imagine having views of the ocean, coral reefs, lakes and landing on the beach, compared to a green paddock. Which would you rather choose to skydive over?
It isn’t just the view while you are jumping that you need to take into consideration. In the plane heading up to your altitude and while waiting for other jumpers in the plane, you will have the chance to view the scenery.
Many people tend to think that they won’t really take in the scenery on their first jump so they may as well just book in anywhere. But the opposite is true. While free falling you will likely be focussed on the adrenaline of the activity but as soon as that parachute is opened and you’ve slowed down a little, you’ll get plenty of opportunities to enjoy the views below. If you choose for your jump to be recorded, there’s a good chance you’ll get a couple of scenery shots in there to show off to friends and family.
Experiences of the Scenery
While people experience different things depending on where and when they jump, as well as how often they have jumped, one thing that is common is comments about the scenery. “Amazing view”, “you can see for ages”, “awed by the view” and “spectacular” are what we hear quite often from skydivers, experienced or not.
The altitude you choose to jump from will give you various amounts of time to take in the scenery below due to the various fall times. Free fall time varies from 20 seconds for a jump from 8000ft while a jump from 15,000ft gives you a free fall time of 66 seconds. You will then get a few minutes to take in the views with an open parachute.
Choosing a Skydiving Location
When it comes time to choose a skydiving location, you should take into consideration the views. Do you want to be looking down at the ocean and beach, the desert, mountains, rainforest or a wide-open field? These options should form part of your decision on where you want to skydive.
Rottnest Island consistently scores in the top 10 skydiving spots in Australia, and it is the only island skydive in Western Australia – so if you choose to skydive here, you’ve got one over your mates. With the beach and bay below you and as your landing point, this is one adventure you won’t forget.
What Can I see While Skydiving Rottnest?
With the island home to numerous animals there’s a really good chance you may spot dolphins, whales and seals. As you get closer to the ground, you may find yourself flying with a variety of shorebirds that call Rottnest Island home.
When it comes to land views, you’ll have plenty to look at. Rottnest Island is only around 30km off the Perth shoreline, so you’ll get great views of the island and bays, as well as city views.
Skydive Geronimo is the only skydiving company jumping over Rottnest Island. If you want some of the best scenery in one of the best locations in Australia, Rottnest fits the bill. Whether you jump from 8000ft or 15000ft you are sure to get a fantastic view.