The PureTravel Blog is a supporter of front line conservation and 50% of its profits go towards the running costs of Explorers Against Extinction, UK charity 1177505, who campaign against species extinction and habitat loss Worldwide.

In their own words:
Our mission is threefold: to promote the conservation of rare and endangered species and the protection of their environments; to advance the education of the public in the conservation issues around rare and endangered species and the threats to their environment; to help local communities impacted by proximity to rare species benefit from their protection.
Collaboration is key and partnerships include Save the Elephants, African Parks, Giraffe Conservation Foundation, the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, Rhino Conservation Botswana, Painted Dog Conservation, Ape Alliance, Animals Asia, Animals Saving Animals and Fauna and Flora International.
Through creative initiatives, annual exhibitions and events we aim to ignite a passion for responsible travel and conservation and to connect with ‘everyday explorers’ who like us, want to safeguard wildlife and wild spaces for future generations.
Whether you enjoy exploring your local beach, or travelling to remote corners, the world has never been more accessible or more in need of positive action.