The Joys Of Hiking
The great outdoors is a fantastic therapy for our souls. The fresh air, natural smells, and the sounds that make us feel a little calmer. So many people journey to the great outdoors to get away from the hustle and bustle that is modern day life.
Hiking is an astounding hobby and pastime, however, there are plenty of dangers around it too, and should you decide to go out on a hike, make sure that you prepare yourself and that you have considered everything you need to beforehand.
The outdoors is very beautiful, but also unpredictable, and therefore, any outdoor activity will never be completely safe. So, take tips, think about your surroundings, and make sure you are prepared for whatever comes your way.
Make Sure You Have What You Need
Before you go hiking, it is very important that you ensure you have whatever you may need. This includes emergency supplies. Some areas of the outdoors will be without phone signal, so you may want to carry some power bars, a water filter, and some matches in case you get lost.
Even if you are only planning a short distance, you should always have essentials with you just in case.
Here are a few suggestions on what to take in your pack.
- Food.
- First aid kit.
- Water.
- Multi-tool.
- Navigation tools.
- Appropriate clothing.
- Hiking boots.
Hiking gear is not the most attractive, we know, and so many people ask why are hiking boots so ugly, but the truth is, it’s not a fashion show, you do not need to look good, you need clothing and gear that will keep you safe. Hiking boots will do this, even if you don’t like how they look.
Know Where You Are Going
Now, when you have your gear packed, you should also be aware of where you are going, because where you are going will impact what you take with you.
You also need to know what kind of flora you will come across, poisonous plants are something to be aware of, as is the local wildlife.
In some places you may run into wild deer, however, you do not want to run into them during the breeding season, or hunting season.
Know if any trails are blocked off, if there have been any accidents, fallen trees and so forth.
When hiking in a national park or public trail, always check where you are going on their website.
Remember Not To Rely On Your Phone
We get so dependent on our phones these days, when we lose signal we are like lost puppies. Although many national parks in America are better in terms of coverage now, it’s not perfect, and you should not assume you will get a signal.
You should be sure to take a map and compass with you, and know how to use them. A locator beacon and satellite messenger can also be very useful. Oh, and do not forget a portable charger too! Even if your phone does work, you don’t want to risk it dying on you while you’re in the middle of nowhere.
Be Safe And Know Your Limits
Knowing your limits can be tough, especially if you are taking this on as a challenge. Once you get that hiking excitement, it can be hard to stop. You could go on for miles and miles, but remember, you need to head back too.
Be cautious when you are out in the great outdoors, it can be exhilarating, but too much excitement can be a recipe for disaster- or at least getting lost and tired when you have miles to travel to get back to civilization.
Much like in poker, know when to fold… or in this case, when to walk back. If you are hiking with someone else, and they could continue, but you want to start heading back, use your words and tell them, there is no shame in admitting you have found your limit.
Prepare For Weather
Weather forecasts can be pretty accurate for the most part, but the weather does not always actually comply with it. Random storms can happen, and a summer storm can crop up out of nowhere.
It is best to plan a hike in the earlier hours of the day, as most storms will hit in the afternoon.
If you do get caught up in one, don’t fret, get down from high places and out of an area where trees might fall. Take shelter, and wait for the storm to pass.