World traveler and jetsetter Paris Hilton once said, “Ibiza, if you’ve never been there before, is very overwhelming. It’s like nowhere on earth.” Ibiza is renowned as the party capital of the world. The party culture that this Balearic island is known for stems back from the 1960s and 1970s. Non-conformists introduced the laid-back, artistic culture in Ibiza where multifaceted music became a large part of Ibiza’s culture which evolved into a lifestyle of having a fun and wild time. Ibiza though is much more than a party destination. There are a lot more tourists from all over the world can do while on an Ibiza vacation.
Nature Tripping
Ibiza is also known for its picturesque beaches and there is quite a number to choose from. Naturally, the turquoise waters entice people to swim, snorkel, paddleboard, and kayak. For those who want to stay away from crowds, Cala d’Albarca, Cala Llentrisca, and Cala Saladeta are choice picks. These idyllic beaches will give you the respite you deserve. If you are looking for an adrenaline rush, flyboarding, water skiing, and cliff jumping are exciting options.
Take a hike to Sa Talaia. A 2.4-kilometer walk, it’s the highest point in Ibiza and you will be rewarded with a scenic view of the whole island when you reach the summit. Experienced hikers can conquer Cap des Falco which has 5 demanding peaks. Once you reach the pinnacle, you’ll get to enjoy a view of the Ses Salines salt flats. Ses Salines Natural Park is an Item of UNESCO World Heritage because of the dense population of seagrass and the various bird species that made their home there.
Soak In The Culture
Visit Dalt Vila, one of Ibiza’s most popular landmarks. It was founded by the Phoenicians and was once one of the most important Mediterranean coastal cities. Immerse yourself with ancient architecture and history by taking a guided tour. If you prefer to explore on your own, free guides are given out at the tourist office. San Juan is another place where time seems to have stopped. This quaint village has retained its rural atmosphere and has no traces of a typical tourist spot. San Juan is livelier on Sundays when the artisan market is open. Shop for organic produce, the Ibizan herb liquor Hierbas, handmade soap, jewelry, and so much more.
Another World Heritage site in Ibiza that’s worth a visit is the Puig des Molins Museum-Necropolis. It’s the best-preserved necropolis in the Mediterranean and home to the goddess Tanit. See the island’s Phoenician, Punic, and Roman archaeological treasures and plunge into the diversity of its history. The Museu Arqueologic d’Eivissa i Formentera considers it to be “the most important archaeological site in the Pytiusic islands and an essential landmark for researchers that will allow a reconstruction of the history of the city and the island during ancient times.”
Ibiza is so much more than just a party capital. It is rich in history, nature, and culture that makes it an even more significant travel destination.