Travelling with allergies can be challenging. Allergy is one of the leading causes of illness in the UK and worldwide. If you suffer from allergies – seasonal, animal, dust, or food – it is wise to prepare yourself before you travel. A planning of your vacation is always helpful. Health experts suggest that you should do some research on the place you are visiting to determine what allergens are present in that region and what you can do to avoid them.
Here we will discuss the best ways to prevent your allergies from ruining your trip while you are on vacation.
Know seasonal allergens
Some allergens like pollen are seasonal. They can be more prominent in some seasons. Depending on the time of the year, different plants and grasses release pollen in the atmosphere. Alder trees, ash trees, oak trees, Sycamore, Willow, Lime Tree, and Grasses are known for high pollen release.
Moulds like Alternaria and Cladosporium can also cause allergies. Their allergenic potency of Alternaria is high, while Cladosporium has low allergenic potency. These moulds can be found in humid places like the bathroom and on organic materials.
Always carry Epipen with you
For food allergies:
When you are home, you can have complete control over the ingredients of your food. However, when you are travelling, you don’t have that much control over what you eat. You should know your food allergens. Make sure your food is hygienically prepared and doesn’t include anything that causes an allergic reaction.
Always carry an EpiPen with you. It is the best medicine to treat severe allergic reactions. Having injectable epinephrine on hand is essential, especially when you have a history of severe allergic reactions.
Insect stings:
Some people experience severe allergic reactions from stings of the yellow jacket, hornet, honeybee, or wasp. The most severe allergic reaction insect stings can cause is anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening. EpiPen is the best medicine to treat this extreme allergy form – another reason for carrying EpiPen with you on vacation. You can easily buy EpiPen online or you can visit any nearby drug store.
Avoid Pets
Many people include pets in their vacation plans. One of the leading causes of allergies in the UK is the dander of pets. They shed their dander all the time, which gets settled on carpets and furniture. This dander can spark allergic reactions upon contracting – therefore, it must be avoided. It is interesting to note that cats are twice more allergy-causing than dogs. If you are allergic to pets, you must avoid them when you are planning a vacation.
Pick a smart destination
According to medical experts, the place you are visiting and the time of your visit have a considerable impact on your allergy. Some areas have more sources of allergen than others; therefore, they experience more allergen counts. If you are allergic to seasonal allergies, you should choose your destination accordingly.
Be ready to face Dust mites
Dust mites are another form of allergens that can cause dust allergy. These allergens are smaller than average pollen grains. They can further decompose into smaller allergenic particles.
When you stay in motels, you may find a lot of dust mites. It is advisable to carry your pillow and hypoallergenic cover. They will help you combat the dust allergy – partially, not entirely.
Air conditioning is the best way to deal with outdoor pollen allergens. Medical experts say that the proper air conditioning can minimise your pollen allergens exposure by 90%. Be it your car or motel room, air conditioning can significantly improve your air quality, thereby saving you from various allergens.
Flying with Allergies
Allergies can be daunting, especially when you are travelling on an airplane. Luckily, there are many strategies you can use to prevent severe allergic reactions during your flight.
Always remember to check the ingredients of the meal the airline is offering. Know the available options; pick the meal which is safe and doesn’t trigger any allergic reaction. Make sure the food which is served to you is allergen-free and completely hygienic. If you want to avoid all hassle, you can always bring your food on board.
Reports suggest that airlines usually clean their planes overnight. Taking an early morning flight is a great idea and can help prevent residual allergens. Moreover, you will have a chance to enjoy much of your day at your vacation spot.
Taking cleanliness into your hand is a good idea. Make sure you clean your seat, tray tables, and armrests with disinfecting wipes. Do not touch magazines in the seat pocket; they may carry allergens.
Let your flight attendants know about your allergy. Knowing your allergy will allow them to announce airborne allergies. If necessary, they can move you to another seat.