Vital Tips And Tricks To Remember Before Going On A Road Trip With Your Toddler
Like most parents, you may find hitting the road with your little one quite challenging. Just the thought of driving many hours is enough to make you anxious. No one wants to get trapped in a vehicle with a shrieking toddler for a long time.
You also have to ensure that your child is safe and secure throughout the ride. For this reason, you need to place him in the best and safest car seat out there. If you need help on this department, check out to get an idea of which car safety seat is suitable for your needs and budget.
Going on a road trip with your child doesn’t have to overwhelm you. With careful planning and organizing, you can make the whole experience as fun, comfortable, and safe as possible. Here are essential tips on how to have a smooth travel experience with your toddler:
1. Prepare Your Car
It is important for your car to be on its best condition since you’ll be in it for an extended period of time. Have a professional mechanic inspect your car and have parts replaced if necessary.
There are many things that can happen when you’re on the road, so don’t put it off until the last minute and always expect the unexpected. Also, fill up the gas tank a day before your journey. The last thing you want is to get stuck on an empty road with your little one. If you believe that your vehicle is not fit to handle the long trip ahead, you may want to consider renting one instead.
2. Keep Your Toddler Safe And Secure
Getting the best possible toddler car seat can make a huge difference in the event of a car crash. Having it inspected by an expert and ensuring that it is properly installed in your car is just as important as preparing your vehicle before the trip.
A certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians do not just provide free installation, but they will also teach you on how to install the seat. They will also give you vital usage tips that exceed the minimum requirement of the law.
Once your child’s safety seat is properly inspected and installed, make sure it stays that way. If your child is rear-facing, do not be tempted to turn the safety seat around just to see what he’s doing. Also, you may think that it’ll be convenient to give your toddler what he needs if you place him and his seat beside you at the front, but you’ll just put his life at risk for doing so.
Another thing you need to be aware of is the car seat regulations which may vary from state to state. If you will be crossing state lines, make sure that you’re complying any child car seat laws or standards set by the state. Here’s a great article on car seat laws example.
3. Plan Your Departure Time Strategically
Some parents recommend driving at night time so that your baby will be asleep throughout the entire ride. Also, one of its perks is that you will be able to avoid traffic jams and frequent pit stops. However, sleep is just as important to you, so make sure that you’re well rested and don’t take any amount of alcohol before going behind the wheel.
If you’re don’t like driving at night and want to do some sightseeing, schedule your road trip an hour before your toddler’s nap time. You also have to plan your stops strategically. Use this time to eat, take potty breaks, and for stretching and relaxing your body a bit.
4. Packing The Essentials
Packing a toddler road trip essential is not as overwhelming as you may think. Here are the must-have basics you definitely need to pack:
For entertainment, pack your kid’s favorite toys and books, mixing it with new ones. Healthy snacks, sippy cup, and plenty of water. Avoid packing any snacks with plenty of sugar since itโll just give your child more energy.
Activities that are hassle-free.
Extra clothes and towels in case of accidental messes and spills.
Diapers and baby wipes.
Place all of these essentials in a small bag and put it somewhere in the car where you can conveniently get the items without distracting your driving.
Books and toys can help occupy your child and keep him busy, but do not give the toys all at once. Once your baby gets bored with the toy he’s playing with or drop it, simply replace it with a new one.
You may also want to consider bringing a tablet or DVD player and let your child watch educational and fun shows to pass time. Not only will it quiet down your child, he or she will also be learning at the same time.
5. First Aid Kit
Kids are always full of energy, so be prepared for anything including scraped knees, splinters, bruises, stings, bites, and sunburns, just to name a few. Accidents are inevitable during long road trips. No matter how big or small, being prepared is the best thing you can do as a parent.
Moreover, it may also be a good idea to keep your CPR and first aid skills in check before embarking on your journey with your travel. A survival kit is always a good idea and you can now get your hands on a very worthwhile Kids survival kit.