Usually when delayed at the airport, some retail therapy or maybe even a massage is a good way to kill some time waiting for your vacation. But what if youโre stuck there for a while and need to sleep? There may soon be an alternative to spreading out on the uncomfortable lounge seats; sleeping in a box!
The Sleepbox has been designed by a Russian architect company and is based on the Japanese capsule hotel idea. Buy a key-card and choose from a double or bunk-bed style accommodation. Thereโs also a flat-screen TV, Wi-Fi, fold away table and suitcase storage.
It would save the hassle of finding and transferring to a hotel although the sleepbox might get used for more than just sleeping if plans to rent it out from 15 minutes get the go ahead!
Above is the internal day view and as long as other passengers canโt peek in you should be able to sleep soundly. And if the pods are placed away from the other waiting areas you wonโt get bored passengers passing by tapping on your capsule!