Shavuot is an important Jewish day of celebration. It is the feat of the first fruits and the holiday of Matan Torah. Shavuot t is celebrated in May or June, and in 2022 it will be celebrated on Saturday, June the 4th until Monday, June the 6th. There are several options for celebrating Shavuot in a hotel or resort, as part of a Shavuot Program
Shavuoth marked the beginning of grain harvest time in Israel. It also marked the countdown to the 4th annual feat of Israel, the feast of Weeks. 49 days or seven weeks of seven days pass between Shavuot and the Feast of Weeks.
Foods common during Shavuot
Each Jewish feast day has specific foods and rituals associated with it. The tradition of eating dairy foods at this time is upheld in the kosher resorts and hotels that provide repass for the Jewish observers.
Some of the favorite delicacies served during Shavuot are:
- Cheesecakes
- Triangular shaped cheese blitzes. The triangular shape is in reference to a saying that the ancient rabbis had:โ Blessed be the Merciful One who gave the threefold law to a people made up of three classes through the hands of a third-born child in the third monthโ.
- Cheese kreplach; which are triangular-shaped dough pockets that are stuffed with cheese for the feast
- Challah bread to represent the two loaves that were offered in the temple and to represent both the Jews and the gentiles becoming one
The all-night celebration
The Shavuot kosher hotels are aware of the custom of the observant Jews to stay up the entire night of the Shavuot and study the Torah. Traditionally the observers, study and discuss the opening and closing verses of each book of the Bible and the entire book of Ruth.
Throughout the night of study, the observers take breaks where they dine on cheesecake and drink coffee.
Kosher Hotels and Shavuot Kosher Hotels
You may not realize that a hotel that describes itself as being kosher must meet certain criteria set up according to the Jewish laws and guidelines. There is one problem with this, kosher is in observance with Jewish regulations and customs, but specific holidays like Passover, Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, and more have specific guidelines and customs that must be followed.
When you are searching for a hotel or resort to stay in for the Shavuot holiday you must make certain that they understand the feast of the first fruits and they prepare for the feast according to the regulations and recommendations of the Jewish elders.
A rabbi or Jewish elder has to be employed at the hotel or resort so they can inspect everything cooked and prepared for the guest. This is a mashgiach and they stay at the hotel 24 hours per day so that all of the regulations are properly adhered to.
Make plans early
One thing that you have to do in order to have a destination vacation during the feast of firstfruits is to plan ahead. This is a very important holiday weekend and there are not as many kosher Jewish hotels as there are gentile establishments.
Since the feast happens in June it would be very wise of you to go ahead and make your travel plans and arrangements now, in January, so you can be guaranteed to find a place to stay in the country, state, and city you want to vacation in.
Shavuot Kosher Hotels
The hotels that participate in the celebration of this holiday usually provide programs much like the Passover programs. The hotel or resort will have childrenโs programs that allow the guests between the ages of three and twelve to have spiritually educating instructions, fun activities, entertainment, breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks, and more. Children are the future of all people and they are treated as such during these programs.
While the kids are enjoying their lineup of activities you will be able to listen to the guest speakers, attend the all-night learning program, and enjoy more adult activities and entertainment.
The hotels almost always have professional Chazanim and rabbis and elders available for instruction and workshop.
The majority of these establishments charge one price per person and everything, the food, the entertainment, the snacks, the wine, and even the childrenโs activities and sitters are covered under that price. You can go to the hotel, relax and enjoy all of the amenities without worrying about running the bill up.
Final Thoughts
Remember that the holiday will be celebrated from the evening of June 4th to the evening of June 6th in 2022. Sit with your family and decide where you would most like to go to spend this holiday and observe the customs of your people.
Uniting with other Jewish observers is a fabulous way to help you connect with your religion, your laws, and your people. Do not wait to call your travel agent and book your rooms.